Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Random Animal Facts

1. A bear has 42 teeth.
2. A flamingo can only eat when its' head is upside down.
3. It takes forty minutes to hard boil an ostrich egg.
4. Giraffes have no vocal cords.
5. An Ostrich eye is bigger than its' brain.
6. A cat has thirty two muscles in each ear.
7. A bats' leg bones are so thin it would be impossible for them to walk.
8. Shrimps hearts are in their head.
9. Penguins can jump six feet in the air.
10. In world war two Americans tried to train bats to drop bombs. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Farewell Penny

I was watching the news today and saw that Canada is no longer making pennies. It costs more to make the penny than the penny is worth. I wonder if the prices in Canada are going to end with ninety five cents or a dollar. Should you be concerned about this ? Right now, no. But if you did not already know, the United States is talking about doing the same thing. So if you enjoy getting a penny back at the cashier you might want to talk to congress.
If you have a Canadian penny you might want to hold onto it. And remember a penny saved is a penny earned, at least that is what Benjamin Franklin said, of course he wasn't Canadian ! My Mom used to tell me save your pennies but I guess I'll have to save my nickels instead. It will cost me five cents just for your thoughts. Now just how can I put my two cents worth in ?

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

On being Twelve

My feelings from going from eleven to twelve are not much different than the transition from ten to eleven. I see no major change in my life or in my age grouping. A couple people have asked do you feel any older ? My reply was no, I feel the same as I was when I was eleven. So until I turn thirteen I will think of no major changes.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Gun Control

I find gun control to be the cause of many issues in this country. Even though the second amendment gives us the right to bear arms, I believe our founding fathers gave us that right so we could defend our country. They didn't give us that right to harm other Americans. As for the gun law, I find there is no reason for a citizen to have assault weapons. I can understand a hand gun just for you to feel safe, but when you have an assault weapon that is taking matters into your own hands. Especially since we have highly trained officers all over the country. I understand that banning assault weapons will not stop all murders, but it would be a good start.
If you ever find yourself with a gun in your hand, ask yourself, why ? 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

An Introduction

Hello I am Mark Reichart a sixth grade student at Lockerman Middle school in Denton Maryland. I live in Greensboro, Maryland with my Father,Mother, sister Morgan, two dogs and a cat. I attend the Bethel Wesleyan Church in Goldsboro, Maryland. I enjoy playing soccer and am a member of the Greensboro Historical Society where I am an assistant docent.
I will be posting my views on various subjects, as well as current events. Feel free to ask questions and leave comments.